Premier Anti Aging Creams

Anti Aging Solutions for Women

How to Get Satin Smooth Skin

September 14, 2018


How to Get Satin Smooth Skin  

Everyone wants to have that satin lax and smooth skin. You can get this skin with good skincare. Some people spend lots of money on skincare products to achieve this, but unfortunately, contain harsh chemicals that might not agree with some types of skin. An alternative to store-bought products are homemade remedies, which can also be as good though might take you lots of time to prepare.  

If you are looking for ways to get satin smooth skin, you have come to the right place as that is what we are going to be talking about today.  

You don’t need to buy expensive skincare products to have soft and smooth skin. 

For oily skin, use this method:  


Do you have oily skin? Use scrubbing to get satin, smooth skin using home remedies. Follow the steps below:  

  • Create a paste of baking soda with water 
  • Wash your face with warm water  
  • Apply the paste onto your skin  
  • Rub your face for around 4 minutes in a circular motion and then rinse off with water. 

By scrubbing your face using baking soda, you get rid of the excessive oil as well as prevent your skin from getting oily.  

Once you have rinsed your face with water, apply a homemade mask to get that satin soft skin.  

How do you make a mask?  

  • Take a cup of oatmeal, a small piece of cucumber, and a tablespoon of yogurt and blend them to form a smooth paste.  
  • Apply the paste on your face and leave it for around 10 minutes, then rinse off with clean water.  

Scrubbing your face to remove the extra oil and then applying a face mask is one of the best ways to obtain satin skin at home.  

For dry skin, use this technique  

Start with scrubbing:  

  • Exfoliate your face before making a DIY scrub for your face  
  • Use 2 cups of sugar, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1.5 tablespoon olive oil to make a smooth paste for scrubbing. 
  • Apply the paste over your face and gently rub in a circular motion. Rinse off your face with lukewarm water followed by cold water and then dry your face. 

Once you have rinsed off the paste, you should be able to see a difference in the composition of your skin as it becomes moist and smooth.  

Apply a homemade mask that you will make using the steps below: 

  • Blend 1 tablespoon yogurt with 1 tablespoon olive oil  
  • Apply the paste onto your face and let it settle for around 10 minutes  
  • Place slices of cucumber over your face to cool it 
  • Wash off the paste when it dries up.  

What about normal skin? 

You can also get satin-smooth skin if you have normal skin. That is skin with no scars, pimples, or aging signs and other imperfections.  

To get a satin-smooth skin for normal skin, follow the steps below:  

  • Blend one apple with 2 teaspoons honey  
  • Apply the paste onto your face and let it settle for around 20 minutes 
  • Wash off with clean water and dry it 

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